Not looking to buy? Maybe trade!

Is there something on this list you're looking for? I'm always happy to make trades! I'm currently looking for:

Drosera that aren't on the list below,

ANY Stylidium not on the list,

Orchidioides-section Utricularia,

plants in the Arum family.

If you have something outside of those, I'd still love to hear from you!

Here's my current grow list, it's more expansive than the sales list and features some smaller plants that are still growing out a bit. I also have a greenhouse of various Nepenthes, so if you have something you'd really like to trade, reach out directly so I can send you the current 'tradable' list.

D. Capenis 'Typical'

D. Capenis 'Red form'

D. Capenis 'Alba'

D. Capenis 'Big Pink'

D. Capenis 'Wide Leaf'

D. Capenis 'Vogelgat'

D. Capenis 'Montague Pass'

D. Capenis 'Matroosberg'

D. Capenis 'Hellenic Hairy Form'

D. Capenis 'Giant Form (Manny Herrera)'

D. Binata 'Typical'

D. Binata 'Marston Dragon'

D. Binata 'Staghorn'

D. Binata 'Golden Giant'

D. Binata 'Multifida'

D. Adelae 'Typical'

D. Adelae 'Giant'

D. Prolifera

D. Xtokainsis

D. Riparia

D. Oblanceolata (True, HK)

D. Spathulata

D. Madagascariensis (Okavango Delta, Botswana)

D. Nidiformis

D. Natalensis

D. Graomogolensis

D. Tomentosa

D. Intermedia

D. Latifolia

D. Capillaris 'Long Arm'

D. Aliceae

D. Tracyi

D. Filiformis var. Floridiana

D. Filiformis Filiformis

D. x 'California Sunset'


U. Aplina

U. Humboldtii x Alpina

U. Longfolia

U. Sandersonii 'White'

U. Livida

U. Lateriflora

U. Fulva

U. Graminifolia

U. Calycifida


Pinguicula Gigantea

P. 'Tina'

P. 'Weser'


Stylidium Debile

S. Graminifolium

S. Armeria


Genlisea Violacea

G. Glandulosissima

G. Hispidula

G. Lobota x Violacea


Nepenthes 'Ventrata'


Live Sphagnum Moss