About the owner

Graduate student by day, carnivorous plant hobbyist by late-afternoon.

Two years ago I found a small, green nepenthes 'Ventrata' in Northern Virginia. I'd never grown any carnivorous plants before, but this one caught my eye and got me hooked. As I write this, it's standing about two feet tall, sharing a pot with another Ventrata that's close to 5 feet tall by now. I made every mistake possible, and by no small miracle I kept it alive until I knew enough to help it thrive. After I graduated, my small collection had grown to about 8 nepenthes of various sizes, and I drove them across the country to Utah to start even more school. Now, with a little more space and stability, my collection expanded quickly and I found a special love for Drosera of all shapes and sizes. If you've taken a look at my trading section, it's mostly Drosera, with a few other special entries thrown in. Along the way I've learned an incredible amount about this strange category of plants, and have gotten a lot better and not accidentally killing them (D. Regia, anyone?). Periodically, I've been able to upgrade my growing stands so that my parent plants and the propagated children are given equal conditions and care, and specifically conditions that make them perfect for the inside of your home. With normal 'home temperatures' and an environment totally free of pests, every plant in my store is ready to hit the ground running and provide you the same level of joy and amazement that they do for me!